Monday, April 14, 2008


Getting attached to people is real easy. All it needs is a little care. If the person shows a little care towards you and if you get along well...u r attached!!!
As with everything it has its ups and downs... you tend to get used to being around that one person and then when one day that person has to leave, you feel lost. As if there is nothing you can do anymore. Its not true though. The lost feeling is normal. It takes some time to actually absorb the fact that the person has to move on for maybe a new job, or he/she gets married...the reasons could be varied.. the fact remains that you are left hurt and feeling lonely. Specially if you hung out with this one person a lot.

You learn to move on too... true you miss the person and wish that they would not leave. But, this is life and the only thing that is constant in life is change... so i guess the best thing to do is tell the person that you will miss them and move on..

the best thing to do here...the ideal thing is not to get too attached to anyone... have to learn how to do that though.

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